RE: [Epic] Uncheesy detachments

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 10:10:12 -0600

> > Yep, with such beauties as the Land Raider company (10 LRs)
> > and the renegade mekboyz detatchment (8 speedstas). Epic 40K
> > has faults and weaknesses compared to SM, but the ability to cheese
> > out armies is not one of them.
> Um, in that case, why is the original poster asking for uncheesey E40K
> detachments? Anyway, as for LRs, the SM/TL LR is not nearly as bad as
> the E40K LR... I think that's one reason why people were so aghast at
> the LR, becuase it went from "decent" to "stompy" (while the Leman
> Russ
> went from "weak" to "decent", IIRC).
-------> Yep - how could anyone see the SM/TL LR company as cheesy? Land
Raiders under those rules are hardly the E40K Raiders on offense -or-
   The renegade mekboyz weren't cheesy either, the big limitation being
that they had to stay in formation (per Q&A from GW) which many people
ignored. They didn't have anything comparable to the "death ray
speedsta" you have now either as even the Kannon Speedsta has a 1 in 6
chance of exploding every time it fires.
   You _couldn't_ cheese out an army solely through composition in SM/TL
precisely because of something people seem to loathe - the army cards.
For most armies, the 1 special card per company card and max of 5
support cards per company card with prechosen unit sizes on each card
prevented a cheese-out. Now some of the actual units were overpowered or
underpowered for the cost, but the cards limited the quantity of these
and every army had at least a few units some people saw as cheesy, so it
was easy to counter.
   In E40K you _can_ pull tricks with the army composition which are
"cheesy" - by this I don't mean so much that the units are over
powered - that's a point cost issue- but that you can easily take units
which have no relation to the background material. How about 40 stands
of nobz and no boyz for an ork detach? How about 10 deathstrike missiles
as a detach? Before, Pulsa Rokkits were available in groups of three
and were a mekboy card, limiting the numbaer which could be taken.
What's the limit now, 10 per detach? How about taking one marine unit to
boost the strat rating in an IG army? I like the flexibilty of the new
system but it's certainly open to abuse.

Chris Miller
Received on Fri Feb 06 1998 - 16:10:12 UTC

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