Re: Squat Army WAS Re: [Epic] Knights(Lil' bit off topic)

From: Chris Miller <ironstar_at_...>
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 12:19:48 -0600

>We've played over a dozen games where your entire army was chosen randomly.
>(We made up a table of all of the Company cards and all of the support
>and just rolled...)
>These games were great!
>It is amazing what you can do with a "useless" unit if you haven't any
>(Of course, this won't work with the 40K heresy 'cause you haven't got the
>god old card system, but stuff happens...)
---------> OK, 'gro, any chance you've got this in some kind of e-mailable
format? Sounds cool enough to try...

Chris Miller
Received on Sun Feb 08 1998 - 18:19:48 UTC

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