Re: [Epic] Pure Titan Armies

From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+_at_...>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 09:57:00 -0500 (EST)

Excerpts from Epic: 14-Feb-97 Re: [Epic] Pure Titan Armies by
> > Yes a Titan only army is feasable.. as far as effective... I don't know.
> > You'd have to try it out I guess.
> >
> Well, we tried that several times in our campaign games. It seems a pure
> titan army can't stand very long against fast moving troops like bike
> companies, rough riders or Eldar wind rider hosts. The light troops don't
> bother to shoot at them at all. Just keep them busy with a fraction of
> their power while snaking around titans to engage in CC in overwhelming
> numbers.

That's probably where a return to Adeptus Titanicus would really help
Titans. Anything that wasn't infantry that CCed a Titan died, because
the way you CCed a Titan was to ram it. ^_^ Not to mention, bikes had a
*much* lower CAF in those days.

Guess I'll have to wait & see.

                    Aaron Teske
Received on Fri Feb 14 1997 - 14:57:00 UTC

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