[Epic] Proposed Rules for NZ Convention

From: Sean Robert Smith <srsmith_at_...>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 14:07:57 +1200

I have thinking about what will happen if six players do register for the
NZ national wargaming at Easter. Below are my suggestion for how the Epic
40k competition should be run.

Epic 40k National Championship


- Size 1750 points.
- No more than 25% of the points value of any army maybe composed of flyers1.
- No more than 50% of the points value of any army maybe composed of war
- No more than 50% of the points values of any army maybe composed of a
combination of flyers and war engines.
- No more than 34% of the points value of a army that contains Imperial
Guard units maybe composed of spacemarine units.
- The same army must be used throughout the competition.
- Players must normally use the correct models represent units (old citadel
models are fine e.g old titans and Eldar vehicles). Exception will be made
were all the following apply:
- The model cannot be purchased in New Zealand or by overseas mail order,
- The replacement model is the correct scale and painted,
- The replacement looks similar model it is replacing,
- The same type of replacement model is being used to represent only one
type of unit on the battlefield
- the umpire agrees that the replacement adquatley model the unit that it
is suppost to be.

Completing Games

- In all cases the play that fulfils the victory conditions of a scenario
will win the battle.
- It is each players responsibility to fill out an 'Epic 40k Game Record
Sheet' for each game and hand it to the umpire. I Epic 40k Game Record
Sheets will be provided by the umpire at the convention. A sample of the
'Epic 40k Game Record Sheet' is attached to this email.

Fate Cards

- In each battle the player with the lowest points value army will be dealt
five fate cards, the player with highest points value army will be dealt
four cards3.
- Players with Imperial armies may use the �Emperors Tarot�4.
- Players with none Imperial armies must use their race specific fate
cards. These fate cards must be dealt using method 1 and 2 in White Dwarf


The round robin will the format of the competition. Each player will play
five games (one in the moring and one the afternoon) and a final will be
fought between two players have greatest number of competition points. The
final will fought in the afternoon on the last day of the convention.
During the round robin no player will fight any other player more than

Optional Rules

- The following optional rules in White Dwarfs will be used in the club
- Flyers may perform 'Evac' and 'Counterstrike' missions6,
- Thunderhawks may carry Dreadnoughts and Rhinos, but no other type of vehicle7,
- An imperial player may use one of the alternative detachments in White
Dwarf number 210.
- Gargoyles may perform their own transport missions8,
- Swooping Hawks can use the drop pod rules9,
- Support Weapons and Whirlwinds maybe used as flak, but it must be noted
on a players army list which are being used as flak10,
- Vortex missiles will be treated as D6 anti-tank shots, instead of death
ray shoots11, any hits they inflict will still cause
automatic criticals.

Rule Disputes

- Players should first try and settle disputes over rules between
themselves in a spirit of fair play.
- If players cannot settle a dispute between themselves, then one of the
organisers can be asked to act as an umpire. The umpires decision is final,
it may not be disputed or appealed.
- If one if an umpire is involved in a game where there is a rule dispute,
the other umpire will act as an referee.


- At the beginning of the convention a draw will conducted to determine the
type of battle players will be playing in each round of the round robin.
All players will play the same type of battle during same round. The
following six types battle will be in the draw: ambush, blitzkrieg, dawn
assault, escalating engagement meeting engagement, plantary assault. Each
type of battle will drawen for only one round of the round robin. A
separate draw will be conducted to determine what type of battle the two
players will play in the final. Ambush will not be one of the types of
battle in the draw for the final


- Maybe chosen by any agreed method, then an umpire will place the terrain.

Winning the Championship

- Players will score one championship point per outright victory and half a
championship point per tactical victory.
- The Epic 40k final will be fought between the two players with the most
championship points after five rounds, on 29 March.
- If two players have the same number of championship points, then the
player who has on average, won battles by a greater number of morale
points, will be given the higher ranking.
- A bye will be worth 15 morale points and 1 championship point.


To be appointed.
1 White Dwarf 215, page 99.
2 White Dwarf 215, page 99.
3 As per the rules on page 16 of the �Battles Book�.
4 White Dwarf 210, page 48.
5 White Dwarf 214, page 64.
6 White Dwarf 214, page 94 & 95.
7 White Dwarf 214, page 97.
8 White Dwarf 214, page 97.
9 White Dwarf 214, page 97.
10 White Dwarf 215, page 99.
11 White Dwarf 215, page 99.

>I am writing to you about Epic 40k and the 1998 national wargaming
>convention, >which will be held in Wellington over Easter (April 10-13).
>The organisers of >the covention believe that with the change over to Epic
>40k there won't be >enough players to have a Epic 40k competition, so they
>will only run a Epic 40k >competition if six or more Epic 40k players
>register for the convention.
>I am trying to alert all Epic 40k players to this fact, to ensure that
>enough >Epic 40k players attend the convention for there to be a
>competition. Myself >and Richard Bright are attending the convention, so
>only four more players >need to register for there to be a Epic 40k
>competition. If you are not an Epic >40k player I would appreciate it if
>you could forward this message on to any >people you know who play Epic
>The cost to register for the convention is $35 and you must register
>before >March 28. For more details about the convention email John
>Zittersteijn at >john_z_at_.... You can also contact by snail mailing
>him at:
>John Zittersteijn
>Registar for the 1998 National Wargaming Convention
>40 Tanera Cres
>Or phoning him at (04) 384 9463
>If you are an Epic 40k player and have registered for the convention or
>are >going to register for the convention, I would appreicate if you could
>let me >know this. Because this will enable me to inform Epic 40k players
>on how many > >are going intend to attend the convention.
Received on Fri Feb 13 1998 - 02:07:57 UTC

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