Re: [Epic] Comments & observations on Epic 40k.

From: Joseph Looney <mlooney_at_...>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 1997 22:24:08 -0600

Brett Hollindale wrote:
> Yeah, I was watching "46" and "55" and figured that MY SCA backgrou nd had
> influenced ME somewhat excessively with my 70, but wasn't prepared to
> confess until a bigger addict came forward...

Guilty as charged.
> BTW, I am the local (SCA) Baron, and you can bet that I never field a force
> without one painted in my colours ( and a second in my lady Baroness's
> colours!)

I, being a lowly Lord, don't have a Baron done in MY colors, but the
whole of one of my households is done in House Gilchrist colors, with
the Baron done up more or less like the leader of the house, Viscount
Syr Richard Gilchist.

> Do you field Sentinels as "Squires" - wannabe knights in little power suits?
> How about rough riders? (I field a support card of Rough Riders with my
> Baron and Baroness as Baronial guard - and mighty handy theya are too!)

Nope, I have fielded Yeomen (Wimped out Dreadnoughts), I use the "Clan
Elemental" infanty figures from Battle Tech for them. As soon I finish
getting the bugs out of the rules I wrote for them I will post them. I
am also workin on Serfs (Inferno series figures for "Hoards") These even
come with lead "5 spot" stands.

> Does anyone out there have a bunch of Rough Riders they aren't using? I
> sure need some more if I can get them!
Have you thought about MircoArmor German and Russian Cav figures? About
the right scale and you CAN get those at damm near any "real" war game

> Agro Agwesi, KSCA,
> Baron River Haven

<herald mode=0n>
Are you in fact the Founding Baron of River Haven?

And in what Kingdom do you live?

Lord Michael Of the Beltpouch, House Gilchrest
Received on Sun Feb 16 1997 - 04:24:08 UTC

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