[Epic] Ork Help

From: COOK MATTHEW JOHN <PBS4661_at_...>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 18:28:06 +0000

On 23 Feb 98 at 10:21, J. Michael Looney wrote:

> > Would you or others help if I repost?
> That might help. Sorry, I've had a weird couple of days.

Okay here we go;
Main Questions What do people thing should paint next?
                        Do I need to buy any more minatures that are
                        How can I organise best into detachements?
                       As all the current models are based on old
                           stand should any new ones I paint go on
                           those as well to keep continuity or should
                           I use new ones?
I realise probably need shooty Boyz and more Wierdboyz but not how
many I need.
Unpainted - 1 Mega Gargant
                            - 1 Mekboy Gargant
Partially Painted - Bad Moonz Mega Gargant (only Wierdboy Tower, Krooz
                                    Missiles left to paint)
                - Goff Mega Gargant (this last one is
a sore point, when got Titan Legions swapped all Imperial stuff for
Ork stuff. Only the person I swapped it with insisted on painting 1
of the Mega Gargants. Did the swap just after it came out and still
not got the damn thing of him. Will try to get hold of him over
easter but dont fancy my chances. Same person has my terrain appart
from buildings as well!)

Painted - Evil Sunz Mega Gargant
                            - 3 Evil Sunz Great Gargants
(armed as per ones in Battle book supplement)
                           - 3 Deathskull Slasher Gargants
(1 with Gutbuster, Ripper Fist, Slasha Attack Gun
  other 2 with Gutbuster, Death Kannon, Cluster Buster)
                            - Goff Slasher Gargant
(snapper, ripper fist, slasha attack gun)
Deathskull Gibletgrinda
Evil Sunz Gibletgrinda
Goff Skullhamma

2 New ones as yet unpainted (thinking 1 Bad Moonz 1 Snakebites)


12 Wildboz
12 Madboyz
4 Stormboyz + Stormboyz Kaptin (Black and Yellow Shoulderpads)
4 Stormboyz + Stormboyz Kaptin (Red Shoulderpads)

19 Boyz
4 Nobz
1 Wierboy Battletower
3 Braincrushers
3 Pulsa Rokkits
16 Boyz
8 Nobz
8 Rhinos
6 Landraiders
19 Boyz
3 Nobz
4 Shock Attack Guns
3 Spleenrippas
6 Battlewagons
3 Bowelburnas
3 Bonebreakers
Mag Uruk Ghazgkull Thraka
(Used Champion Chaos + 1 Warboss + 1 Banner Boy)
38 Boyz (15 both white shoulders, 4 red right, 4 red left
21 Nobz (8 white shoulders, 5 Ghazgkulls retinue)
4 Shock Attack Guns
17 Battlewagons
3 Bonebreakers
3 Stompers
19 Boyz
4 Nobz
15 Boarboyz
3 Squig Katapults
6 Battlewagons
3 Stompers
3 Squigoths
19 Boyz
9 Nobz + 1 Warlord/Boss stand (minatures as for Ghazgkull)
2 Battlewagons
3 Bonebreakers
4 Dreadnoughts
6 Stompers
1 Wierdboy Battletower
3 Pulsa Rokkits


1 Stand Bad Moonz Shooty Boyz
1 Kustom Kannon Speedsta
1 Gutrippa
1 Magna Kannon


3 Mekboy Dragsters
2 Kustom Kannon Speedstas
3 Rokkit Speedstas
2 Magna Kannons
24 Bonebreakers Chasis with 18 Breakers turrets & 6 with other new
New troop sprues from E40k box as of yet unused
3 Flackwagons
9 Fighter Bommerz (1 or more basis smashed)(these look challenging to
paint and in some cases even assemble!)
11 Big Gunz
3 Braincrushas (Maybe 2 one seems to have gone missing)
6 Gobsmashas
Plus approx 30 old Horde & Invasion sprues partially used (all
Wildboyz,Madboyz,Bikes,Buggies,Boarboyz used) Stompers sprues
partially used (these may take some finding!)
Maybe some other bits and bobs left around at home as well but think
thats practically everthing usefull anyway.

         *** M J COOK ***
AKA: Ghaz,Ghazgkull,Mat,Sparrow,Cookie,Walter Tatum,
     Alberto Giovanni,Damien Black,Joshua,Dct Strank
     Peter Jones & some I can't remember!
Received on Mon Feb 23 1998 - 18:28:06 UTC

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