RE: [Epic] Re: trivia quiz 7&8 answers

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 14:40:40 -0600

> >
> > Richard Helliwell - 4350 vs 4500 pts, declared as a 4000 pts battle.
> Which WD was this in? The only SM2 battle report that
> I can recall with the Eldar was an Andy vs Jervis marines vs
> eldar (Jervis lost IIRC).
------> It's in the Battles book, though I'm not sure which WD it's
from. Reaver titan on the IG side, Warlock titan on the Eldar side were
the big boys.

I'm sure someone will share the # with us. This reminds me...favorite WD
battle reports anyone? I'm still partial to the Chaos vs Marines one
with the LOB.

As for other Eldar battle reports, there's the Marine one, the IG one,
and the late late one vs chaos which is a "bypass" type mission where
Chaos has to exit a certain number of points off the board. It's pretty
weak, but I guess we need to count it.

I think the record for most appearances is probably held by the orks,
though Imperials are right up there. There's 3 or so battle reports from
around the TL release which feature them over and over.

I still say stupidest play is demonstrated in the Orks vs Chaos report,
where a great gargant spends it's time firing gutbuster rounds at a GD
while the mekboy gargant is forced to go mano-a-mano vs a Banelord -
short fight there. For worst army choice I think the award goes to the
Imperial commander facing the tyranids in their "showcase" report - I
mean, you know you're going to lose, but did you have to make it _that_

And while we're (I'm) on it, does anyone else think the new Epic reports
suck? I mean really suck. The game is fine, and some of the reports here
have been on a par with the old ones, but the new WD reports are just
bad. The old BR's are what helped drag me in to this game for 2nd ed,
and also helped pull me into WHFB. As concerned as they are with
attracting new players, you'd think they would have a whole "Battle
Reports Division" at their HQ, busily cranking them out.

Chris Miller
(Who spends way too much time reviewing battle reports)
Received on Wed Mar 11 1998 - 20:40:40 UTC

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