Re: [Epic] Detachment Experience

From: <pentacle_at_...>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 17:36:21 -0500

>> Do you have any comments or complaints or suggestions?
>Yeah, use 'em! Play campaigns! Makes Epic more fun.
>- Erik
I am involved in an ongoing anti nid campaign. The nids are the center
piece for now as they are undefeated. Everybody else puts together all
kinds of armies as planetary defence forces, and we are basing the armies
on the plant being attacked.

So far two ork planets, one Imperial hive world, three agroworlds, and a
craftworld have fallen to the Nids.

We don't really use XP, but the nids are allowed to replenish their level
of victory and type of world defeated. My loss was at a AgroWorld. At this
rate they will be at Earth in a week. (Damn nids) I have never used the
published XP system, but most of our battles are fought to the last man. It
was painful to watch the last of my Termies be taken down one at a time,
but on the plus side toward the end my turns went real quick

                Aerich Frodoson
        "It has come to the attension of management that people in general
         actually care. In view of this shift of opinion, we are going
         to do a better job of concealing what we are actually doing"
Received on Wed Mar 18 1998 - 22:36:21 UTC

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