RE: [Epic] Gaming and Satan

From: Timothy J. Kilgore <tkilgore_at_...>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 18:04:45 -0800

At 02:24 PM 3/23/98 -0500, you wrote:
>At 11:51 PM 3/22/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>We got a club going in the last couple of my high school years.
>> Nonetheless, the Christian group basically hounded us at least once or
>>twice a week. I glad that now I can play AD&D, Epic, & all the other fun
>>stuff without persecution any more.
>>Cyril Crocker
>>Dragon Slayer
>That's funny. In my freshman year I had a club going, that had three games
>a week. We played jut about everything, and our ranks included some of the
>heads of the christian club were members of the club. (They all played
>clerics, paladins, jedis,etc. though...UGH). The main problem we were
>getting were from the young Republicans club, for wasting school resources
>for a frivolous reason.
> Aerich Frodoson
> "It has come to the attension of management that people in general
> actually care. In view of this shift of opinion, we are going
> to do a better job of concealing what we are actually doing"

I statred a gaming club at my high school my Senior Year of High School.
Games Workshop even gave us the starter box of all the games, The more
members we have show up the more games we would get. That how I got into
epic. Unfortunatley, the only way we could get the Principal to agree to
let us have this club on school property was to sighn a contract saying
that there would never be any RPG's which really sucked. It didn't help
the cause that two High Schooler's in my county had just "killed themselves
due to a popular Role Playing Game, Duengeons and Dragons" It was all over
the Head lines of News Papers it really sucked

Timothy J. Kilgore

You know Aerosmith is getting old when they start writing songs about thier
aching joint "Falling in Love (Is Hard on Your Knees)"
Received on Tue Mar 24 1998 - 02:04:45 UTC

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