Re: [Epic] Ordinati (was: house rules)

From: Stephen Sheldon <stephes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 09:41:03 -0800 (PST)

> Andy Skinner wrote:
> >
> > Slightly different topic, inspired by house rule to lessen power of a
> > weapon:
> > Is use of an Ordinatus automatically assumed to be cheesy by people
> > here? The thing is in the rules, after all. I've got two (don't

I have all three and after testing them I have found:
a: Golgotha: The missiles are nice, but one blast marker and it cannot
fire, also under the ruling that if you have multiple vortex missiles they
act as D6 AT hits. Remeber, it does not have the artillery ability so LOS
is needed, and I don't know about everybodies terrain, but on my board, if
it has LOS, then chances are the enemy is within weapon range.

b: Armageddon: This is a nice platform, the death rays are very powerful,
but again, it is easy to shut down with blast markers. As mentioned
before, in denser terrain, this thing can be shot at before it fires.

c: Mars: This is by far the nastiest of the ordinatus, it requires a lot
more care because it has a shorter range than the others, but it is much
harder to shut down and it's ability to suppress units is astounding. I
generally field it with 3 imperial super-heavies, that way it isn't such a
ripe target and it has the firepower to muscle it's way into range.

d: All of the ordinatus are very fragile, 5+ armour and no shields means
that flyers and superheavy weapons are going to decimate them. Artillery
can be nasty too as all of the ordinatus require LOS, whereas the arty
doesn't it just hides and shoots. The biggest threat though is probably
drop infantry, tyranids and marines can just drop in and wreck them before
anything can be done, and since they are normally behind the front line,
there is little resistance. To counter the assault, always keep some units
around it. As I mentioned, I nearly always escort it in with the super
heavy tanks, I Normally have some mech IG or marines too, that way they
can at least stop an assault, and allow the vehicle chance to move out the
way, even if it means death to the infantry.

e: Ordinatus are not good in firefights.


When you dream there are no rules, people can fly, anything can happen.
Sometimes, there's a moment as you're waking, that you become aware of
the real world around you, but you're still dreaming.
You may think you can fly, but you better not try it...
Received on Thu Mar 26 1998 - 17:41:03 UTC

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