Re: [Epic] Using old style bases in E40k??

From: The Laughing God <shalom_at_...>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 11:55:37 +0100

Yer spot on about Barrages: I use the New ones for character/ individuals
& the old ones for line troops. Nobody's complained yet!!

Steve Wik wrote:

> I know that generally this is acceptable, but I was wondering
> specifically about things like rough riders and bikes which used to be
> done two to a base and are now done three to a base. I like to use the
> old style bases for these because they just seem more mobile and I can
> make more units with the same amount of infantry sprues. Is there any
> reason why anyone would care? I can't think of any, but just thought
> I'd ask...
> While we're on the subject, I also thought I'd see what differences you
> all really think there are between the old and new bases. I've heard
> the new ones are "more tactical"(whatever that means) and make better
> use of cover (??) and the old ones are "more vulnerable to barrages" but
> this dosen't seem correct to me. If anything, the smaller bases are
> less likely to be affected by barrages since you can keep 'em father
> apart easier, whereas it seems that the new stands would tend to get
> more "bunched up" in tight spaces easier. It also seems like the old
> bases are far better at hiding behind stuff than the new ones are
> (depending on how large/small your buildings/rubble/trees/etc. are).
> The only real benefit my (admittedly inexperienced) eyes can see with
> the new bases is ease of painting...
> Steve (the other)
Received on Mon Mar 30 1998 - 10:55:37 UTC

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