RE: [Epic] Using old style bases in E40k??

From: Steve Wik <bosco_at_...>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 14:27:21 -0700

> > Yer spot on about Barrages: I use the New ones for character/
> individuals
> > & the old ones for line troops. Nobody's complained yet!!
> Hmm... I do the exact opposite! Actually what I've been doing is:
> Character/individuals most line troops, bikes, boars, and calavary on
> the old bases, assault troops, shooty boyz, and screen troops (like
> gretchin and SM scouts) on the new ones. All of my 'nid infantry are
> on the new ones...
> Actually, I thought of another benefit of the new bases: ease of
> basing! For some reason, I end up having to file the little disks
> that the infantry guys are on because they are JUST barely too big to
> plug into the slots on the old stands. Man, that's time consuming!
> The slots on the new bases are big enough that everything just plops
> right in...
> Steve (the other)
Received on Mon Mar 30 1998 - 21:27:21 UTC

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