And at the retailer meeting a few months ago, held in Maryland, we were
absolutely assured, "officially", that ALL of the unreleased models would be
in stores by the "...end of March." Well, March has come and gone, and not a
single new model was released for E40K. Several repackages of existing
models, but NO Chaos, Eldar titans or remaining Imperial models.
Let's make it semi-interesting. I predict that no Epic Chaos models will be
released before Games Day U.S. If they ARE, and you're AT Games Day (and by
"you" I mean anyone reading this), seek me out and I'll buy you a soda. A
large one. I mean it.
Dave, confident in the GW screwathon.
-----Original Message-----
From: Alexis Nahib Delgado Saab <alexis_usb_at_...>
To: space-marine_at_... <space-marine@...>
Date: Tuesday, April 14, 1998 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Epic] Chaos minis?
>>Glad to see somebody besides myself not buying into the whole "I heard
>>was the release date so it must be true" thing.
>>I seriously doubt that any more E40K models will ever be released.
> Hey! I�m talking official here, the owner of the GW store here
>collects E40k Chaos, he asked the same question regarding all armies
>because the store was running out of E40k minis, he received a fax
>saying that they will release Chaos minis and that next years� end they
>will also release a new E40k box set with (maybe) some Changes on the
> I don�t think they would lie to a GW store...
> Alexis Delgado
> Alexis_usb_at_...
>Get Your Private, Free Email at
Received on Wed Apr 15 1998 - 04:13:32 UTC