Re: [Epic] Is GW going bust ????? - Thane read this.

From: Tyler Provick <bprovick_at_...>
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 15:18:29 -0400

> >Continuations through private E-mail.
> No. Here is just fine. Responsible imput by any parties welcomed.
> Dave

You know, it wouldn't be such a bad thing to go private. This arguement is
getting a little nasty. I realize that both of you are trying to prove a point
while at the same time trying not to come off as buffoons in front of the rest
of the list.

Personally, I don't like negativity when it comes to something I can't control,
like hockey games, or whether a game I play will get cancelled. Still, not
everyone can get along. I guess I just want to say you shouldn't be surprised if
most of the list who have been staying out of this is looking upon either of you
with a slight bit of dissapointment. So why not insult each other's mothers now
and move on.

Besides, with the Chaos minis looking so ugly, who cares if they get released or
not :) Anyone on this list could do a better job with plastic rhinos, superglue
and toothpicks. Ah well, I feel bad for you Chaos slime, not only is the
Imperium (or in my case the Obsidian Empire) better fighters then you, they also
look better too.

Received on Tue May 26 1998 - 19:18:29 UTC

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