Re: [Epic] Scenarios and Campaigns

From: Alex Blakeley <ablake77_at_...>
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 23:58:52 PDT

>From owner-space-marine_at_... Tue May 26 13:55:58 1998
>Received: by (8.9.0/8.9.0) id VAA08112
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>Message-ID: <356B1E64.CC466C4F_at_...>
>Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 15:56:20 -0400
>From: Tyler Provick <bprovick_at_...>
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.03 [en] (Win95; I)
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>To: Space Marine Mailing List <space-marine_at_...>
>Subject: [Epic] Scenarios and Campaigns
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>Recently I worked on a set of campaign rules that was steadfastly
>ignored by the list. Anyway, I'd planned to play some really cool games
>with them, but realized it might be a very long time until I'd get some
>use out of them. So I decided to make some mini-campaigns to play with
>friend until I got a chance to play my epic rules.
>Anyway, I have some questions about scenarios
>Am I the only one who thinks that there should be more scenarios for
>Epic, especially when trying to make a tree-campaign.
>GW made a really cool scenario which it used for a re-fight, but had
>nothing like it in the actual non-refight scenarios, why? Oh, the
>scenario was breakout.
>And, has anyone designed some really cool scenarios they'd like to
>I'm in the middle of making one. It's insertion, and while it can use
>any two armies I'm currently designing it for Chaos as attackers and
>marines as defenders.
>Here's the lowdown.
>Chaos wants to take a planet, and has sent a small force to try to set
>up some warp gates with which to launch a massive assault. The marines
>are not fully aware of their presence.
>Chaos starts within 60cm of their zone, they set up last.
>Marines start with 50% of their troops in hidding at least 90 cm away
>from chaos edge.
>Hidden rules are different. Marine cannot volountarily reveal his
>troops. Instead he nominated 2 waypoints between which the detachment
>represented by the hidden marker moves at reserve speed. booby traps
>move at 20 cm
>If a Chaos unit is within 20 cm of a marine detachment during the rally
>phase then the marines are alerted and may choose to reveal themselves
>as per the normal hidden rules
>The remaining 50% of the marines then begin entering table as reserves
>starting from the turn that the chaos force was discovered.
>Chaos must get a certain amount of units off marine table edge by
>certain turn to win, marines must stop them
To Tyler,

Not bad try making a second scenario where the marines have found the
warp gate and a really brutal battle where two huge armies fight for
possesion of the gate.

And in responce to the first question, i agree let there be more epic
scenarios in WD


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