[Epic] Scenarios and Campaigns

From: Tyler Provick <bprovick_at_...>
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 15:56:20 -0400

Recently I worked on a set of campaign rules that was steadfastly
ignored by the list. Anyway, I'd planned to play some really cool games
with them, but realized it might be a very long time until I'd get some
use out of them. So I decided to make some mini-campaigns to play with a
friend until I got a chance to play my epic rules.

Anyway, I have some questions about scenarios

Am I the only one who thinks that there should be more scenarios for
Epic, especially when trying to make a tree-campaign.

GW made a really cool scenario which it used for a re-fight, but had
nothing like it in the actual non-refight scenarios, why? Oh, the
scenario was breakout.

And, has anyone designed some really cool scenarios they'd like to

I'm in the middle of making one. It's insertion, and while it can use
any two armies I'm currently designing it for Chaos as attackers and
marines as defenders.

Here's the lowdown.

Chaos wants to take a planet, and has sent a small force to try to set
up some warp gates with which to launch a massive assault. The marines
are not fully aware of their presence.

Chaos starts within 60cm of their zone, they set up last.

Marines start with 50% of their troops in hidding at least 90 cm away
from chaos edge.

Hidden rules are different. Marine cannot volountarily reveal his
troops. Instead he nominated 2 waypoints between which the detachment
represented by the hidden marker moves at reserve speed. booby traps
move at 20 cm

If a Chaos unit is within 20 cm of a marine detachment during the rally
phase then the marines are alerted and may choose to reveal themselves
as per the normal hidden rules

The remaining 50% of the marines then begin entering table as reserves
starting from the turn that the chaos force was discovered.

Chaos must get a certain amount of units off marine table edge by
certain turn to win, marines must stop them


Received on Tue May 26 1998 - 19:56:20 UTC

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