>> Also, after having read Andy Chambers rulings, I'm a bit puzzled at
>> Titans can be effective units. As I read it, each blast marker they
>> receive shuts down one super heavy. Since Titans always shoot last,
>> appears as though they will always have 2-3 blast markers on them by
>> time they shoot, effectively reducing their offensive capabilities by
>> or more. Is this ruling in wide use?
>Yes, but if the Titan has a weapon that uses FP he can use that FP to
soak up
>BM's, seeing as most FP on Titans is high, this shouldn't be a problem.
Uhh??? I�m really not familiarized with Titan, could you explain
this soaking thing again?
Alexis Delgado
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Received on Wed Jun 24 1998 - 01:34:52 UTC