Re: [Epic] OT 15mm Fantasy Rulesets was Warhammer Fantasy Epic

From: Thane Morgan <thane_at_...>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 18:17:02 -0600

Elaine P wrote:

> >Suprisingly enough, there are quite a few companies making very nice
> 15mm
> >fantasy figures. Also, a lot of other scales are very adaptable to
> 15mm
> >( 25mm goblin = 15mm ogre, 25mm ogre = 15mm giant, Epic scale tyranids,
> >greater
> >demons, primarchs = 15mm small monsters, etc. )
> Some of Ral Partha's 25mm monsters look wimpy beside the newer 28mm
> fantasy figures, but look really great with 15mm figures. The Wyvern &
> dragons sold in the blister packs are good examples.
> >
> >If you are looking for a good mass fantasy battle system, I would
> strongly
> >recommend checking out FR!
> >
> I really agree with this. The army lists are very flexible, you can
> create your own troop types, the characters are not overpowering, and
> you can create high fantasy or low fantasy armies to your choice.
> --Elaine
> (Who is building an Unholy Amazon army)

I've seen several 15 mm systems; Fantasy Rules, Grunts, Hordes of thongs,
and all of them were way to generic for my tastes. They'd make a decent beer
and pretzel game, but not a good tactical battle. The biggest flaw is
they're too generic; an orc looks just like an elf in stats. Magic is boring
for them as well.

My system (still un-named) features enough stats to make individual units
for races. There are almost no charts to consult, and there are about 30
special abilities to flavor the units with. It is like a 15 mm WHFB, but
without the crap.

I'm trying to negotiate with Reaper to publish it; otherwise I'd put it on
my page with GSC. If they decide they're not interested, you'll see them
pretty soon. If you haven't seen reaper's 15's, treat yourself to their web
page. They're a bit ovesized, but look awesome a,d are DIRT CHEAP! A blister
of 8 -12 infantry goes for $5, and they look better than any other 15 mm
line I've seen, even Partha's. Plus the dwarves have non-traditional units,
like Ram Riders and Bear Riders. Supposedly Orc Scorpion Riders are coming
out in august. The 25mm Hydra and dragons look fantastic at 15 mm.

The main battle rules have been tested about 25 times now, and are about
done. The artillery has been tested 3 times, and look good. The magic/hero
rules start getting tested this weekend. WHFB crap is eliminated; combat is
simultaneous, units actually have to lose unit to take a leadership test,
units can switch between Rank and File and skirmishing formation for
different effects, fleeing is more intelligently handled, and I think the
rules will work for scales from Chronopia style skirmishes to truly epic
fantasy battles.

Basically, I'm saying this is the ultimate fantasy wargame, and I hope to be
able to prove it soon.

Anyways, here's Reapers Web address. They have pictures. Check them out.

Received on Wed Jun 24 1998 - 00:17:02 UTC

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