Re: [Epic] Same Ol Thing

From: Thane Morgan <thane_at_...>
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 01:24:19 -0600

Chris Miller wrote:

> ya know, it's amazing - I've been laying low for the last 2 mos, reading
> intermittently, and now having flipped thru 300+ e-mails (just nuking most
> of them like that amazingly lengthy Dune thread <?!>) It's mostly the same
> old thing - E40K LR's are too powerful, how the fluff doesn't match the
> rules in many cases, and debates over the degree to which GW sucks.
> Anybody post a decent battle report lately? We had that experiment with
> postng maps to the list , then nobody did anything with it. I would, but my
> group has fractured, and I'm caught up in the throes of a battletech revival
> amongst my pals, which is OK, as it's possibly the only game to rival my
> Epic collection in size of miniature army, but it doesn't mean a whole lot
> to this list, unless, of course, we're going to start making BT to Epic
> conversions...
> Also, I'm still toying with a Civ2 epic conversion, but it's largely on hold
> til the new multiplayer civ2 comes out. Latest alleged release date for it
> is August, but we'll see what actually happens...
> Played Horus Heresy for the first time in a long time...whew, now there's a
> total crapshoot game! But, if you're thinking about some kind of Epic
> campaign portraying it, it does have maps, forces, some fluff, etc.
> Anyway, figured I'd pop in and pop off. Now back to "More posts you've seen
> before"
> Chris Miller

Sure this indicates the first seal has beened opened; "The lamb shall break the
first seal, and there shall be a great wailing and gnashing of teeth from dicord
on the SM mailing list, and Thane and Chris shall agree on a post, and the sea
will turn to blood. The Lion shall lie down with the Lamb, but the Lamb won't
sleep very well." or something like that, I may have paraphrased a little...

Either we need to agree that the main purpose of the list is too vent about
other peoples posts, or that there is something more practical we can dedicate
our time too. As I stated in the Dune thread - a bitch about someone else's post
will bring three times more off topic mail than just letting the post wind down
on its own.

I think that the biggest problem is in fact that almost none of us are playing
right now; I haven't got a game of Epic in for the last two months now;
partially due to a lack of players and partially due to my obsession over my
15mm fantasy rules. Everyone needs to take it upon themselves to get a game up
in the next ten days, and then write about that.

By the way Chris, I've got a couple of old blisters to send to you for the
computer help. OP imperial stuff. Colen has to old eldar blisters coming to him,
but I think he just said something about moving.

Received on Sat Jul 18 1998 - 07:24:19 UTC

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