Re: [Epic] artillery

From: <StarFox567_at_...>
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 18:34:52 EDT

In a message dated 98-09-03 15:51:54 EDT, you write:
 I know the difference, I just think it would level the field more (I favor
 SM) and make one put more forethought into laying artillery. And add a bit
 more mystery as to where that next salvo is going to land. Besides barrages
 are actually laid by artillery (I know, and cruise missiles and rockets).
 Don't forget that "advanced technology " is also tied up with Chain swords.

I tend to agree - Indirect fire (where the gun layer cannot observe the
has to be more inaccurate than direct fire since there is some delay in the
flow of information to the fire unit as to location of the target and
adjusting fires. With barrages an easy soln is to use the 40k scatter dice to
move the barrage -
 disrupts are no problem due to their - with FP arty like the ork big gunz it
is more tricky - maybe they shoot at half FP, but then again the orks are
screwed anyway so this seems unfair.

Received on Thu Sep 03 1998 - 22:34:52 UTC

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