Re: [Epic] Infiltrators in Drop Pods

From: J Andrew Evans <J_Andrew_Evans_at_...>
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 09:08:58 +0100

I'm getting the feeling that whilst no one can come up with a reason why this is
illegal it doesn't gell right with the game mechanics and with "reality."
Therefore it seems reasonable to implement a house rule that infiltrators do not
get their move after drop pod use.

This is fine with Eldar Scouts, Marine Scouts, Kommandos, Chaos Veterans,
ratlings, etc etc but I continue to have a structural problem with the Tyranid.
Because the Tyranid need three synapse creatures to lead a detachment, one is
limited as to how many detachments one can create - by how many synapse models
you've got. One cannot create a detachment made up entirely of Lictors and thus
Lictors are likely to end up in lots of ordinary detachments. The Army lists
are written, IMHO, with a view to creating two sorts of detachments - one where
the nasties board Assault Spawn and travel across the table to their lunch (in
this lictors can race ahead, no problem) and a second Mycetic Spawn which is
almost invariably dropped from above straight into the dining room.

Are we really limiting Lictors to a role in the first, Assault Swarm, and
limiting their usefulness elsewhere. Just seems a pity, is all. Perhaps the
"solution" is for Lictors in Mycetic Swarms not to drop with the others but to
appear, using their infiltrate move from any table edge.

Hey! Have I just talked myself into a solution. Is the "reality" that the
lictors did not drop from the pods at all but simply revealed themselves in
their hiding places (up to 45cm from the drop zone) where they were hiding from
a previous infiltration.

Am I convincing anyone?


Sauron1 wrote:

> Sauron1 writes; Allen;
> In order for the Infiltrator rule to work,as stated, we would have to
> consider that the transporting device actually uses up No Game Turn Time
> that can be deducted from the transported units movement? Time Travel?
> I do not care what rule system you use. There must be transport time. As
> an Epic gamer currently "Growing" my first Tyranid army, I know the
> opposition is NOT going to get fooled into letting me use that one for
> Epic40k or Epic2nd.
> sauron1_at_...
Received on Sat Sep 19 1998 - 08:08:58 UTC

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