><< Some of my 'Epic' friends (truly BIG folk ... sorry!) and I have
> discussing the Disrupts (excessive) points we have touched on here
> recently. We like Thane's groups' idea about not deducting from
> Points ay BM's in excess of the detachments total MP's. However, we
> think this does not entirely cover the effects we would like to
> recognize.
> Our thought is that the larger the detachment ... more points also
> more MP's, the more BM's it can absorb before the suppression effect
> starts to become a dispersion and disorganization effect. We are
> thinking that once a detachment has as many BM's on it as necessary to
> be equal to its MP's, then additional BM's would be converted to
> or a unit destroyed. Our initial thought is to have every two BM's
> convert to 1 hit. However, this could be a different ratio, more
> variable and/or possibly race dependent. Our initial thought is that
> the Defender would select the unit to be "hit" or destroyed ...
> destroyed may be the better term, since we do not see allowing them to
> select a unit with a "Save", at least as long as another unit was
> available to be hit.
> This seems to address the rules problem or 'cheese shop' issue of
> excessive BM's causing a victory without combat.
> First, what do you think of this idea in general?
> Second, who would be willing to do some playtest to see what the
> ratio of BM's to units destroyed should be and how the rule would work
> in general? >>
> Personally it sounds great to me...It really does make since when you
>about it...Monophiliment wire has to shred SOMETHING. Biovores have to
>spores on SOMETHING. Snot from the contagions has to hit SOMONE. I
>love the idea.
> Scott
The Only problem that I see is that this will encourage the use of
BM, because they�ll not only stop your dets, but they �ll also destroy
some of your units...
' Alexis Delgado '
' Alexis_usb_at_... '
' UIN: 132686249 '
http://members.xoom.com/alexis_usb '
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Received on Fri Sep 25 1998 - 03:22:50 UTC