Re: [Epic] Epic 40K Orders

From: Paul Tobia <heresy_at_...>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 1997 12:01:29 -0600 (CST)

On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Spatula wrote:

> Looks like they've changed the terminology. So what was once
> a stand is now a unit? And what was once a unit is now a squad?

Basically... see my prev post for details.

> Uhm... why the hell is the demolisher up there, seperate from
> the leman russ? The titan inferno gun is now the same as a plasma cannon,
> all ork battlewagons are the same thing now, all lesser daemons are the
> same now, but there's a difference between a russ & its variants? what
> kind of bullshit is this?

I agree with you there... the abstraction of titan weapons is a shame.
The differeces bewteen a LR and a Demolisher are: Speed, Range, Firepower
and Demoishers can Close Support.

> Is the difference between the baslisk & the bombard removed?
> I assume both would fall under 'support weapon' but since you didn't
> list them seperately...

Artillery is not available to an IG infantry detachemnt. That's for a
seperate detachment. THere is a difference between a Basilisk (HVY Arty)
and Bombard (Siege Arty). Support weapons in the exaple above are
Tarantulas, Rapiers, etc.

> Thanks for the example. But... how does this actually
> function on the field? From earlier comments I would guess that
> this would basically form an IG company, and everything has to
> stay within 30cm of the HQ. Fine. But what about squad/unit/
> whatever coherency? Does the infantry have to stick together?
> Do the lemans have to stay next to the sentinels? Do the sentinels
> have to stay within a certain distance of each other or are they
> basically independant (aside from having to stay close to the
> HQ)? Same question for the Lemans.

As in previous posts there is not coherency except for the 30cm. THe
example detachment would probably not fare well considering the units have
different strengths, but the detachment as a whole must be placed on the
same orders.

Paul R. Tobia _O_
"Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon |
full of tapes hurtling down the highway." (Tanenbaum,1996)
Received on Thu Mar 06 1997 - 18:01:29 UTC

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