duckrvr_at_... wrote:
> >Logistics - The US Army and Marine Corps.
> I disagree with the Marine Corps here. From my experience, the Marine Corps
> logistics only functions at all because it is a relatively small force. And
> they borrow anything they can get their hands on from anyone who will let
> them have it (voluntarily or involuntarily). Of course, if you listen to
> Sun Tzu, then perhaps that does make them a great logistics force . . .
Exactly! Scrounging raised to an Art Form!
Let me tell you a NSTRH story.
About 20 years ago ( jeez, I'm getting old...) there was an exercise in
North Queensland - a lot like the Joint one going on at the moment in
A squadron of an Australian Recon Cavalry Regiment was tasked with
sneaking behind the enemy (blue) lines and raising havoc. So 17 M113 LSV
(Light Support Vehicles - M113s with Cadillac-Gauge Commando Turrets on)
set out on a 250 NM route march through scrub. 3 of them made it to the
beachhead, 200 NM behind the FEBA, whereupon they motored up and down
the beach, going rat-a-tat, banging on biscuit tins (no 7.62 or .50
calibre blanks were issued) and throwing exerecise grenades.
The Umpires made sure no-one actually got run over, and the massive
logistics flow over the beach went on uninterrupted.
Well, one M113 threw a track on the beach. The very last spare track pin
had been expended some time ago, so the Sgt in charge of the track went
up to a Beachmaster to see if he could get a spare. This Beachmaster was
almost a caricature of the grizzled vet: half-chewed stogie, a PRC in
each hand, bellowing instructions and waving arms madly, actually
controlling what seemed like Pandemonium but was actually a really slick
The Sgt held up the broken track pin, pointed to the M113, and said "Got
a Spare, Mate?"
And 4 minutes and some seconds later, a Bloody Great CH-53 came
overhead, and dropped a brand spanking new M113A1 right next to the
battered Aussie Track.
Now THAT impressed me.
aebrain_at_... <> <> How doth the little Crocodile
| Alan & Carmel Brain| xxxxx Improve his shining tail?
| Canberra Australia | xxxxxHxHxxxxxx _MMMMMMMMM_MMMMMMMMM
100026.2014 compuserve o OO*O^^^^O*OO o oo oo oo oo
By pulling MAERKLIN Wagons, in 1/220 Scale
See for picture
Received on Wed Mar 12 1997 - 01:46:46 UTC