Re: [Epic] Chapter Colours

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 09:17:59 -0600

At 05:44 PM 3/22/97 +0000, you wrote:

>Now I already have 2 chapters painted up - UltraMarines (blue) and Viper
>Knights (green). I'm going to paint up the new marines as a third
>chapter - question is, which one?

>it mustn't be one of the boring ones that get all the special rules and
>equipment - no dark angels or space wolves.
>rather I'd like to go for one of the chapters mentioned in the original
>rogue trader background. but I don't have the books.

Um, I like the Imperial Fists (yellow). They are one of the original
chapters, but don't have goony special rules.

>white scars (white)

Can you say "Primer" anyone?

> perhaps the Black Guard (there's one
>for the sci-fi gaming dinosaurs - 10vp to the first person who
>recognises where they came from) - painted in sand with black shoulder

Sounds like a neat color scheme. Any other colors in the trim, or just
black and tan?

Received on Mon Mar 24 1997 - 15:17:59 UTC

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