Re: [Epic] Epic 40K Wave Serpents

From: Stuart Mottershead <stuart.m_at_...>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 10:16:28 -0800

Andy Skinner wrote:
> Has anyone seen any pictures of new Wave Serpents? I'm wondering
> how different they look. I'll still be picking up a few old ones
> at discounts, mind you. There just aren't any obvious doors for
> getting troops in/out, and I'm curious if that has changed, if
> the Wave Serpent is now to be mostly a troop carrier.

There seems to be a lot of miss-information going out about this. I went
to my local (Ealing, London) store yesterday. The wave serpants are
totally different than the old ones and are very cool. They come in a
white metal blister pack. The falcons are also different (and much
better) than the old ones and are also in a metal blister pack. both
poacks cost �5. I think you get 4 falcons and 2 ws, but I am not sure,
something like that anyway.

However, when I was in the Kingston shop a couple of months ago one of
the guys there showed me a plastic version of the falcon so a plastic
box of eldar vehicles must surely be on the way. I am going to wait
until they release these because the white metal is too expensive.
Stuart Mottershead
                    _    __   _    __   __          __
Peace, Love & The  | |  / /  (_)  / /  / / ____ _  / /
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Received on Tue Mar 25 1997 - 18:16:28 UTC

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