Re: [Epic] Epic 40K Facts

From: The Ogre <the.ogre_at_...>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 21:05:10 -0800

Farley, James wrote:

> Second titans. They are just about as tough as imperial titans, but
> they have a 2+ save on ALL hits all the time. Eldar titans will be to
> hardest to kill titans in the game. (and for 10 extra points, you can
> make it into a warlock)

Hardest do hit, but once you get em, they are stuffed!! Well and truly
as you do critical damage automatically. Which is trouble, as they only
have a damage capacity of something like 8 aswell... So 3 shots through
the shields, and it is dead, no matter what the weapon, guaranteed. PLUS
the fact that on a 7+ his shields die anyway, which in addition to the
one caused from hitting the thing, gives +2 damage to that aswell, then
it is goodbye mister Eldar!! I have already played several games with
most armies using the new rules, and they are not so tough...
And trust me you get plenty o' dice for your firepower against titans!

Me, I still love my Tyranids, the Heirophant and Heirodule, frankly

All hail absorption to the hive mind..


(Although admittedly I am split between them and the marines at the

Received on Thu Mar 27 1997 - 05:05:10 UTC

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