Re: [Epic] Eldar and 40K

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 21:18:14 -0500

At 12:15 PM 4/9/97 -0400, you wrote:
> It makes sense,
>except I *STILL* can't use the damn Heavy Weapon Guardians on my Eldar
>Epic sqrues. Grr. (And no, claiming they're Dark Reapers isn't
>really a use for them)

That's okay, claiming a Dark Reaper is a Dark Reaper isn't really a use for
them, either. Compared to a SM Devastator for the same points/stand the DR
has the same range and firepower, a lower cc, a lower armor value, and the
SM's are stubborn. Of course, the DRs get to move an extra 5 cm, and we all
know how important maneuverablility is for your fire support.

What a bargain.

That's about as smart as the fact that you should use your Dreadnoughts and
War Walkers to screen your falcons because they are cheaper and have better
armor. I knew GW couldn't get a product out without doing something
completely dunderheaded.

Received on Fri Apr 11 1997 - 02:18:14 UTC

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