[Epic] Epic 40k - answers to our questions!

From: Richard Dewsbery <dewsbery_at_...>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 22:37:54 +0100

As promised, here are the answers to 4 of the more controversial aspects
of Epic 40k that have kept us guessing for the past few days!


Hello Richard,

Here are the answers to your Q&A

>1) What is the effect during the shhoting phase of blast markers placed
>on detachments with superheavy weapons, particularly if the detachment
>contains ONLY superheavy weapons, such as a warlord with only death rays
>or a detachment containing only land raiders?
>On the one hand the arguement is that each superheavy weapon should be
>treated as having a firepower of one; each blast marker causes the loss
>of one firepower, so it would therefore cause the loss of one death-ray
>or anti tank shots in the above detachments.
>The contra argument is that superheavy weapons are only firepower=1
>during firefights. Accordingly, there is no mechanism by which blast
>markers affect their shooting, so the titan or land raiders could just
>sit there accumulating blast markers while still firing at full effect.
>The penalty is that it would have difficulties in any assaults or
>firefights, and won't pass any leadership tests in a hurry.

The first interpratation (sp?) is correct. Each blast marker stops one
super heavy weapon from firing.

>2) How many stands of terminators can a land raider or rhino carry? The
>rules give them a transport (2), therefore 2 units, even of terminators
>(as there are no special exceptions for them) whereas in 40k there is
>only enough room for 5 models of terminators in either.

Strictly by the rules, two stands can be carried. As a house rule for
willing to put up with the extra complexity, only allow one stand, as

>3) When must the +25 cost for a detachment HQ be paid? In the Space
>marine list, is the +25 added on if the detachment is lead by a captain
>at a cost of 25pts? In the Eldar list, is the +25 paid if the
>detachment is lead by a Farseer at a cost of 50pts? It appears that the
>list for marines and chaos marines has been compiled in a different
>manner to the Eldar list. From the examples given in the armies book,
>it would appear that the marines must pay the +25 in addition to the
>captain, but the farseer cost already includes the +25. And can you
>confirm that the cost of Tarzak grimsteel, the chaos lord example on pge
>94, is a typo, the correct cost being 57 (chaos lord 25 + rhino 7 + 25
>detachment HQ)?

Unfortunately a number of errors creeped into the example detachments in
the army book. Fortunately, in every case where there is a
the detachment list is correct, and the example is wrong. Bear this in
and you should be OK.

>4) The rules for Eldar Exarchs are also causing confusion. Can they
>only be added to basic Aspect Warrior stands, confering the assault
>skill, or can they be added to a stand of Swooping Hawks? What is the
>effect of adding an Exarch to a Dark Reaper squad? Is the unit's range
>15cm or 45cm, assault value 3 (4 divided by 2, plus 1; or 4 plus 1
>divided by 2), firepower 2?

Another typo. A stand led by an Exarch can either use its own ability,
the Exarchs, but no both at the same time. So, for example, those Dark
Reapers could count their heavy weapon ability when shooting and their
assault ability in close combat, the Swooping Hawks would count as
Jump Packs when they move and Assault when they fight in close combat,
In other words, they get the best of both worlds!

Hope that helps.


On 1) - I told you so :-)

but I also note that JJ doesn't tell us where in the rulebook this is

On 2) - well, this was always the common sense approach.

On 3) - we don't seem to have had an answer to this one. I think we'll
just have to play it however we want it - on my games table, captains
will cost 25+25, farseers just 50.

On 4) - oooh, _nasty_.

Received on Fri Apr 11 1997 - 21:37:54 UTC

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