Re: [Epic] terminators E40K

From: The Ogre <the.ogre_at_...>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 22:39:40 -0700

Philip Nixon wrote:
> >What the hell are you on? Of course he doesn't get a save duh!
> >He is fooling ya big style!
> >He gets a 4+ save to save his termis for when his LR blows up and sees
> >whether it takes the termis with it or not, but that is it. You cannot
> >save on the 4+ if you fail to make the 4+ to get out by the way too!
> Why should you not get the second save? You paid for it.
> 'scuse me ?
> you pay for the termies
> you pay for the LR or Rhino
> you get your termies driven around in the relative luxury
> of the back seat of a tank
> you don't get out when it's about to blow (Fail the 4+ to jump out)
> Phil

LOL Yup.
That you do
Where or nice Orky players just leap off! LOL
And then carry on to bash yer edz in!

Received on Thu Apr 17 1997 - 05:39:40 UTC

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