[Epic] [E40k] Knights IV

From: Paul Tobia <heresy_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 13:15:56 -0500 (CDT)

This is the current rev. that I will be playtesing tonight. Perhaps
we'll do a battle report too. Thanks to all who contributed, especially
Mark Shieh, Elias Tiliakos, and Stephen Sheldon.

Unit (Role) Move Range FP AV Armor Notes Pts.
Paladin (Tactical) 25cm 45cm 2 6 6+ 35
Errant (Assault) 25cm 15cm 3 8 6+ 35
Lancer (Cls Sup.) 30cm 45cm 2 6 6+ ClS 45
Heavy (LR Sup.) 15cm 60cm MC(1) 3 5+ Sv 55
Baron (Commmand) 25cm 45cm 3 8 5+ Sv,ClS 60

MC(1)=Mega Cannon SHW, 1 FP for Firefights.
ClS=Close Support

*Note: Knights count as Walkers using the optional rule (p.104 Battle) if
your group is so inclined.*

*Note: Heavy Knights include both Crusader and Castellan type Knights.*

Imperial Titan Legion Knight Detachment
Command. Choose one:

Main Force. Choose up to three squads:
Tactical Knight Squad.................35pts. each
        consists of 1 to 3 Paladin Knights
Assault Knight Squad..................35pts. each
        consists of 1 to 3 Errant Knights
Close Support Knight Squad............45pts. each
        consists of 1 to 3 Lancer Knights

Support. You may choose up to the total number of Main Force Squads:

Heavy Knight Squad....................55pts. each
        consists of 1 to 3 Heavy Knights

CoC: Baron-->Main Force unit-->Support unit

Latest Rationale:

I decided to go with the 5+ and Save for the Heavys and Baron since it
gives you the same survival rate against general FP (5 in 6) but
increases your survival against AT by a factor of 2 (3 in 4), and Death
Rays by a factor of 4 (4 in 6). With the decrease of Heavy speed by 5cm
and the lower armor, but the added Save I only bounced the cost up by 5.
The Baron moved up in cost accordingly.

The Baron does not have the Hero skill because I beleive the increased AV
and Save do the job well enough. If it was a Heroed Paladin it would have
an profile of 25cm,45cm,2FP,12AV,Hero+ClS which is not what I see a Baron

The Lancer went up to 10 points higher than the Paladin to act as a
deterrant or there'd be no reason to take Paladins. I think the 10
points might be worth the increased move and Close Support. Playtesting
will tell.

As always comments, criticisms, and especially battle reports testing
the rules out are welcome.

Paul R. Tobia _O_
"Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon |
full of tapes hurtling down the highway." (Tanenbaum,1996)
ptobia_at_... http://falcon.cc.ukans.edu/~heresy
Received on Fri Apr 25 1997 - 18:15:56 UTC

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