Re: [Epic] [E40k] Knights IV

From: Stephen Sheldon <sheldona_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 14:44:12 -0700 (PDT)

> Unit (Role) Move Range FP AV Armor Notes Pts.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Paladin (Tactical) 25cm 45cm 2 6 6+ 35
> Errant (Assault) 25cm 15cm 3 8 6+ 35
> Lancer (Cls Sup.) 30cm 45cm 2 6 6+ ClS 45
> Heavy (LR Sup.) 15cm 60cm MC(1) 3 5+ Sv 55
> Baron (Commmand) 25cm 45cm 3 8 5+ Sv,ClS 60

With the long range and increased move of the Lancers I think they are
still a better deal than the paladins. Maybe have 3FP _at_ 30cm range. I know
I have gone through this argument before, but it fits their role a whole
lot better. In 1st ed. Paladins had battle cannon (max range = 72cm) and
lancers had Las Cannon (max range = 60), the lascannon were more
plentiful, but they had less punch at long range, whereas the battlecannon
were excellent even at long range. (For those unfamiliar, the 1st ed rules
had two to hit values for each weapon at short and long range (and a
third against infantry...))
Again, just my opinion, drifting in the void...
Received on Fri Apr 25 1997 - 21:44:12 UTC

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