Re: [Epic] (E40K)SHWs and Splitting the list...

From: J. Michael Looney <mlooney_at_...>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 13:02:31 -0500

Kevin Shope wrote:
> Question: In a detachment that has both SHW and regular firepower units how
> are the blast markers that it accumulates handles? (ie A det. that has 2
> Land Raiders and 2 Tac units have 2 blast markers, would only 1 LR be able
> to fire or just the LRs or what?)

You have in this detachment a total of 6 "fire power" for firefights and
blast markers. You have 2 blast markers, so you lose 2 firepower. You
can do that by any of the following

1) No "normal" Fire Power. LR fire as normal
2) A fire power attack of 1, 1 LR fires 1 shot, the other fires 2
3) A FP attack of 2, each land raider fires one shot
4) A FP attack of 2, one land raider fires as normal, one dosn't fire at

All of these are legal. Which one is best depends of LOF, what you are
shooting at, etc. This is what tactics is all about, making the correct
call out of more than one option.
Received on Mon Apr 28 1997 - 18:02:31 UTC

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