Re: [Epic] Epic Terrain

From: sauron1 <sauron1_at_...>
Date: Tue, 06 May 1997 04:30:44 -0700

Andrew Skinner wrote:
> I've got a ping-pong table, and a grass mat and some stuff from Geohex.
> I haven't used the Geohex terrain yet (except the mat), since I have
> just moved, but I'm looking forward to using it, since it can make
> whole raised areas, not just lumpy hills. I'll make some lumpy hills,
> too. I've got some hills carved from green foam from a craft store,
> but they're kinda slippery.
> I've got a Ral Partha Dracolich (the one from a blister pack, not the
> more expensive one) that I'm going to paint up as a dragon skeleton
> and put on a hill, inspired by the large skelton C3PO walks past in the
> desert in Star Wars. I've got some pipes and stuff for an industrial
> site, from a toy train store. I'd like to get a bridge of some kind.
> I've got some trees made from an aquarium plant.
> andy
> askinner_at_...

Sauron1 writes;Andy I recomend that you paint the green styrofoam hills
with acrylic paint and add the glue and fine sand to the paint. It will
give you a hard gasslike surface that will be like sandpaper and make
vehicles and infantery stands stay on gentle slopes of the the
hills.Round plastic drink stir stiks from makdonalds make good pipes. You
can dip them into boiling water to soften them up for bending around a
round corner like a counter edge or a wooden dowl. sauron1
Received on Tue May 06 1997 - 11:30:44 UTC

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