Re: [Epic] Epic Terrain

From: sauron1 <sauron1_at_...>
Date: Tue, 06 May 1997 20:31:05 -0700

Andrew Skinner wrote:

> > Sauron1 writes;Andy I recomend that you paint the green styrofoam
> hills
> > with acrylic paint and add the glue and fine sand to the paint. It
> will
> > give you a hard gasslike surface that will be like sandpaper and
> make
> > vehicles and infantery stands stay on gentle slopes of the the
> > hills.
> I might do this, though since the foam was green, I've put it off.
> It isn't styrofoam, and the surface is pretty rough already. Not
> sure
> how well paint would stick or how it would look.
> >Round plastic drink stir stiks from makdonalds make good pipes. You
> > can dip them into boiling water to soften them up for bending
> around a
> > round corner like a counter edge or a wooden dowl. sauron1
> I've got some of the bending drinking straws, with the
> accordion-looking
> stuff for the corner. The set I got from the train store included
> big
> wheel-shaped valve handles and various other hardware.
> I've got some old screen that I'll make some fence out of.
> The building I'd like to use for an industrial plant (looks like a
> power
> station) is a plastic bubble from one of those compact flourescent
> lights.
> I'm mostly worried that it may not be sturdy enough, though once it
> is
> glued it could be better. I might even fill it up with something to
> sturdy
> it. Maybe wet newspaper bits.
> We were at Pier 1 Imports last night, and I saw some things which
> would
> make good scenery, maybe more for the 25-30mm scales. They had some
> kind
> of Chinese lion statue on a base. It was made of something that
> looked
> like stone, and the detail was brought out in interesting ways. It
> really
> could look like a large stone statues. Too big for Epic, I think.
> andy
> askinner_at_...

 Sauron1 writes;Bretts message has a good idea. He took older SM card
buildings and colour xeroxed them. Me with dozens of them didnt think of
that. I will try that import store for interesting statues.That is one
of the things I like about our discusion group. We have access to
everyones ideas and findings to improve our own playing
experience! sauron1
Received on Wed May 07 1997 - 03:31:05 UTC

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