Re: [Epic] The return of Looney Rants!

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 10:03:00 -0500

> 1. Great gargant- the cannon ball round from the gutbuster would kill any
>titan it could get a bead on DEAD. No ifs ands or buts.

What about IF it doesn't scatter or IF it actually hits the titan after
taking down all of its shields (50/50 on that hit...) and IF the titan
its save (quite likely at -4) and IF you roll a 6 on the damage - well
it kills the titan stone motherless dead.

 -----> Ball rounds roll to hit, they don't scatter first, and if you do
hit the shields are gone. It won't neccessarily kill a titan, but it
usually causes some damage, and nuking the shields is a big deal to most
people - sets him up for a nice shokk atk gun/weirdboy tower/braincrusha

>And once you
>killed the gargant he stumbled around on fire for a couple of turns still
>shootin stuff.

Maybe, maybe not. Depends how you kill it...

 ---->After you kill it? Mine usually stumbled around on fire most of
the game. That was usually the only way TO kill them. They were tough.

> 2. Vortex missiles- Warlord shows up with 4 V missiles.

I pressume that all 2nd Ed players know that this is not on - Vortex
missiles are carapace mount only...
 ----> Yep, both 2nd ed AND Epic40K have this limitation.

> Power nukes all the opposing titans than HtHs everything else.

Well, yeah, IF they don't scatter (1 time in 3) you will do d6 hits. A
of titans survive d6 hits...
 ----> A Warlord with empty weapons mounts is dead meat in HTH. Another
Titan with a CC weapon will come along for a cheap kill, or a
Blooodthirster with some cards will chomp him.

> 3. Mekboy dragstas- you cant shoot in but they can shoot out.

Yep, very handy things those dragsters, but I assume that everyone who
Orcs has a tactic for dealing with them...

 ----> Eldar have those nifty tremor cannons, otherwise there's not too
many options...

>And to make it worse your shots at it bounce back at you most the time.

Well, that's 50/50 in my experience... Probably more like 70/30 since
probably not very close to the dragsters and he (the orcs) is.

 ----> never had a huge problem with this

> 4. Bikes bikes bikes- I swarm you with a bazillion bikes in Hth and you die.

Yep Close Combat IS the bane of EPIC (2nd Ed AND 40K IMO). There are
of dealing with the bike horde, but I would agree that lots of bikes is
about as cheesy as you can get...
 ---> No easy way to fix it either. Eldar and some Ork units were made
of numerous bikes

> 5. Plague marines in THWgunships- I land next to you, fart(summon plague
>wind), and half your army dies.

Yep, I'd be lookin' at limiting my oponants targets if I were you...
Snapfire weapons help, although the invisibilty chaos card will hurt you
badly... (Chaos is like that - scissors, paper, rock, plaguewind!)
 ---->Agree completely. Chaos is very uneven. Against Eldar, they just
get slammed (numerous warp weapons and many better HTH troops) while the
IG's only hope is artillery.
>The 2nd ed. did have lotso character but it was not a fun game to play with
>all the mega broken units and weapons.

Do what I do. Try using tactics to defeat a superior force. (It is
possible you know.)

Just my .02 worth,


 -----> The problem with Epic wasn't too bad for those of us who rode
along with it as it grew, but trying to explain it to someone new was
tough - it wasn't played with rules so much as exceptions. TL helped
clean up some areas, but it was still klunky as there was no system to
it. This is from a die-hard-I-don't-care-if-it-doesn't-make-sense Epic
The new one has some changes I don't like, I admit (the different races
have lost some flavor, Orks, Eldar and Chaos mainly IMO) but it is
cleaner and the units are incredibly flexible compared to the old one.
Don't want to have an assault fgroup led by infantry - hey, now my
Stompa can be a command unit! Or tanks! Or a Gargant! and you can mix
and match and arrange them how you like. It's good enough to use , and
I'll bet GW follows their usual pattern and puts out a smaller box w/o
mini's but with some addl units or rules which will improve it. (They've
done it with every other game, bet you'll see it with this one)
        Chris Miller
Received on Thu May 08 1997 - 15:03:00 UTC

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