Re: [Epic] The return of Looney Rants!

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 09 May 1997 00:04:38 -0500

At 12:37 PM 5/8/97 -0400, you wrote:

>Check page 58 of the TL rules (or 48 of warlords):
>"Place the template over your target and then roll for scatter as you would
>for a barrage. Anything under the template takes a hit and makes a saving
>throw with a -4 modifier."

>I would put the odds at 1/2 of hitting (that's optimistic)
>Then a 2/3 of damaging (almost all lower leg locations have a 1+ save)
>Then a 1/6 chance of destroying the titan.
>So the odds of killing a titan are 2/36 or 5.5%. In my experience, the
>gutbuster was the most over-rated weapon in the game. Many players
>lived in fear of what the ball-round *might* do, when in fact, half
>the time it did nothing.

I'd put the chance of hitting a little higher than 1/2. You have a 1/3
chance of not scattering. If you put the template on the near edge of a
titan base you have a roughly 30% chance of hitting if it scatters long, and
virtually guaranteed if it is short. I'd say it's more like 60-70%. Of
course, that's still less than 10%. i think it's the shield stripping that
is really significant.

Received on Fri May 09 1997 - 05:04:38 UTC

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