Re: [Epic] got my Epic 40K

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 03:22:52 -0500

At 03:49 PM 5/13/97 -0500, you wrote:

>> > A A A A
>> > Detachment B is shooting at detachment A.
>> > A1 If A1 is in range of all Bs, all Bs can shoot.
>> > If all As are in range of B1, all As can be shot.
>> > B1
>> > Is this correct?
>> > B B B
>> I would add all the fp of any unit that can see/shoot any other unit.
>> However, I wouldn't assign more casualties than can be targetted. Frex, if
>> all A can hit B1 but not B, you would add all their fp (let's say 5 total)
>> and roll to hit. Troops in the open would give you 3 dice, so let's say you
>> get 2 hits. B1 would be the only valid target, so you'd just lose the extra
>> kill.
>You've got As shooting at Bs, where I had Bs shooting at As, so
>this comment fits into your example, not mine.
>What if A1 can hit all the other Bs, and you get three hits?
>B1 can get hit, certainly, being in range of all As. One of the
>back Bs can be hit, since A1 is in range. What about hitting a
>third B? They are all in range of A1. What if there were a lot
>more As, all in range of B1, but still only one (A1) can reach
>all Bs? And we get 8 hits. The rules would still allow all hits
>to be applied.

That's a tough one. Um, I'd work with my opponent and figure something out.

Actually, I would suggest that B1 is ultimately hosed, and A1 would get to
inflict an additional hit or two, depending on the fp/stand. I would still
allow full suppression based on all the fp directed at the unit. Even
troops at 600m (outside normal rifle range) are still going to duck if 25
people are taking pot-shots.

It hasn't really come up in any game I've played so far. Did it for you, or
is this just one of those hypothetical it's-not-covered-in-the-rules kind of

Received on Wed May 14 1997 - 08:22:52 UTC

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