Re: [Epic] got my Epic 40K

From: Elias Tiliakos <elite_at_...>
Date: Wed, 14 May 97 18:05:42 EST

At 05:32 PM 5/14/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Ken Taborek <oberon_at_...> writes:
>> Um, it's pretty normal to be fired at when you charge into a bunch of guys
>> with guns! I'd like to try a house rule where snap fire is used in the
>> assault phase as well, but doesn't halt the charging units movement
>> (gung-ho momentum, and all). This would mean that the assaulting force
>> would lose ~16 2/3% of their force getting into contact (assuming hits
>> only on a 6). Not at all unrealistic.
> Very unrealistic. Let's take the case of 32 Orcs (4+ armor)
>charging a closely packed group of three rhinos. Each ork has to make
>three 4+ armor checks to move into contact with the Rhino. So on
>average, 28 of these Orks will die before reaching a Rhino. With
>these kinds of odds, anything smaller than a Titan would be foolish to
>charge anyone else. only hitting on a six applies only to Marines in
>cover, or a few other things in fortifications.

I think what he meant was to treat the firing as snap fire, i.e.
that on a roll of 6, the unit firing causes a hit. Still, even
with this interpretation, those 32 orcs would lose 16 of their
buddies. It doesn't seem like a detachment that is getting charged
should have the ability to shoot every unit in range at every
enemy unit coming into range.

Instead, how about a rule that says that each unit that ultimately
get into close combat with an assaulting unit gets to make one "first
fire" strike against the detachment in question, using snap fire

One way to do it is this:



  B B B

Where the four B's in the front line of B detachment are charging.
Let's say they double up on two of A detachment's units, like so:

   BB BB

  B B B

So, the two engaged units from A detachment get to fire one shot
each at a 6+ at the incoming B's.

Another way to do this is to say that units in A snap firing in the
assault phase get _one_ and _only one_ die at 6+, no matter how
many units from B actually come within the 10cm range. So from the
example above, in the second diagram, assume that the three B's not
in hth are out of snap fire range, and the two A's not in hth are
within snap fire range of the B's in hth. Detachment A gets four
dice at 6+ at the incoming B's, and must allocate hits to the B's
that actually make it to close combat.

Sound good?

Received on Wed May 14 1997 - 23:05:42 UTC

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