RE: [Epic][E40K] Terrain

From: David Lado <lado_at_...>
Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 16:30:48 -0400 (EDT)

> Does anyone have photos of their work? I myself, and im sure others would like to, See them?
> Maybe someone could start a "Terrain" web page for ideas and such. I've sceen a few pictures here and there. But just this thred alone could be of huge use to anyone doing terrain.

I'd love to (I'm very proud of my terrain ;), but now that I have access to
a scanner, my terrain is in another state :(. I have to be satisfied
scanning in pictures of orks from the rules sets.

> I have been working on the idea of a large Edar Treehouse for 40k. or Epic. Any Ideas?

Oooh, that soundz kool, but it also sounds like a real toughy. I don't
make 40K terrain (because I don't play). But as a guess, I would try to
make it out of an actual tree branch, or part of the stem of a sapling,
if you have one to sacrifice. I like dead branches more than fresh ones,
because thet're dryer. Aslo, even when I use natural materials, I like to
paint them, because an unpainted branch looks exactly like what it is.
A painted twig (dry brush everything!) can look like a tree trunk. You'll
probobly have to strip the bark in order to make a good painting surface.
You would also want to fashion a heavy base for it IMO, since it might be
top heavy.

For the structure, you could try poster board (the extra-thick kind) or
balsa wood. I like the texture of balsa more, it looks more woody when
painted. If you want something more concrete looking, try the old
textured paint tactic (sand + paint). Then you can use foilage clumps
for the leaves (and to cover up any bad spots ;).

Received on Fri May 16 1997 - 20:30:48 UTC

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