On Fri 06 Jun, Scott Shupe wrote:
> Sean Smith wrote:
> >
> > To be honest, I am not sure if Ogryns can use Chrimeras or not.
> There's nothing stopping them....
> Ogyrns are infantry. Chimeras have Transport(2), which
> allows them to carry 2 stands of infantry each. There are no
> restrictions on what infantry they can carry. Just because you
> can't 'mount' an Ogyrn squad in a Chimera doesn't mean you can't
> actually stick them in Chimera if you have one lying around (frex,
> if you bought one seperately out of Support).
> As to why guardsmen squads have the option to be 'mounted'
> in a Chimera and Ogyrns don't, it is merely a matter of army org
> and how certain squads are generally meant to be fielded. Frex,
> if you buy 9 IG heavy weapon squads and mount 5 of them in Chimeras,
> you can take 9 support options. If the option to mount them was
> not there, you would have to use 5 of your support options just
> to give the heavies transports, only leaving you 4 slots left for
> neat stuff like tanks.
> > > Also, using the Ogryns to defend the Heavy troopers may not
> > > work, due to the disparity in armor. You'll either be so close that
> > > the Heavies are shot down, or so far away that the Ogryns aren't
> > > contributing to the fight. As a side effect of not having the books,
> > > this hasn't really been tested.
> >
> > I can't follow your meaning here. Having Ogryns I believe would
> > increase a detachments survivability, because of Ogryns higher armour value.
> > Your could deliberatly put them in front of your heavy weapon troops,
> > so that it would force the enemy troops to roll hits against the Ogryns,
> > who have a higher armour.
> Doesn't really work out that way, unfortunately. With the
> Ogryns in front, enemy troops can direct FP against the detachment
> as long as they are within range of an Ogryn stand. BUT each roll
> to penetrate armor hits the closest unit it possibly can (see the
> Shooting phase section in the rules book). So an enemy detachment
> will still be killing your heavies on 3-4? and will be killing
> Ogryns on 5?-6 (assuming ogryn's armor is 5, don't recall for sure).
> The IG heavies are still vulnerable (less so, but the enemy's fire
> is not less effective just because you have the tough guys out
> front).
> Hmmm. Maybe that isn't so clear. Here's a chart:
> E E E E
> O O
> H H H
> E = enemy trooper
> O = ogryn
> H = IG heavy
> If the enemy rolls 3 dice and rolls 3, 3, & 6, you'd lose
> two heavies and an Ogryn because the heavies are the closest units
> that can be affected by the 3's and the Ogryn is the closest unit
> that can be affected by the 6.
Thanks for pointing that out Scott, at least the Ogryns give the higher
assault value.
Sean Smith
Home - Seans_at_...
Received on Fri Jun 06 1997 - 00:30:59 UTC