Re: [Epic] [E40K] Squats -- different list

From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+_at_...>
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 13:33:49 -0400 (EDT)

Excerpts from Epic: 7-Jun-97 RE: [Epic] [E40K] Squats --.. by
> [Aaron Teske wrote:]
> > Why cut it down, really? Armour 5+, range 30, FP 3, Assault 4/2.
> > Gyrocopters are supposed to be *very* maneuverable, and pretty well
> > armed. Points value 50 or so, I'd say.
> Mainly because no interceptor has more than 15 cm range or 2 Fp in the
> game.

Y'know, I never noticed that. OK.

>Also the intercept of 3
> was because intersepting a aircract/spacecrat takes two things, speed
> and manuverability. Gryocopers are manuverable, but not very fast (It
> is a 'copter).

Actually, I'd like to argue that Gyrocopters would be *extremely*
maneuverable, and that would probably make up for the speed loss. Of
course, then the 'copter is just like the Nightwing, but if you take it
with a 3/2 assault it's a Thunderbolt. I dunno about you, but I
consider the Gyrocopter a fair bit better than a Thunderbolt....

I vote for armour 5, range 15, FP 2, assault 4/2, 40 points.

>Points of about 30 seem fair.(Besides, everyone I know
> had the gryocopter company. No one would buy 9 of the things at 50 pts
> each.)

If they were the only flyer you had, I bet people would. (Well, maybe
not 9, but then they *were* really good....)

> Also, since the squats don't have much in the way of vehicles, I think
> making indiviudal stats for the war engines (collossus, cyclops) would
> be good rather than making them leviathan variants. It might give them
> more personality(well, as much as any army has in the new system)

Yup. Lev/Colossus/Cyclops are kinda like the Warlord & Reaver for the
Imperials: similar, but different enough to warrent individual
attention. See my previous post (from yesterday) for proposed stats.

                    Aaron Teske
                    Squat Leader, Den'Len Fetch
Received on Sun Jun 08 1997 - 17:33:49 UTC

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