Re: [Epic] [E40K] Squats -- different list

From: Michael King <kingcm_at_...>
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 14:30:27 -0500

Alan Brain wrote:
> PAspin3551_at_... wrote:
> > Remember, ALL units are based of 40K units, NOT space marine, so you
> > shouldnt even be using them at all to make up new units - look at thunders > > in 40K. Are they more powerful than Dark Reapers or Wolfguard at
> > shooting - no. So they shouldnt be in epic.
> Completely agree. What ARE the stats in 40K (considering there isn't a
> Squat Codex?) And for those non-40K-literate people like myself, how do
> they stack up against comparable units? These are serious questions BTW.

Here's a serious answer for you, in 40K
Dark Reapers are armed with a missile launcher cost 67 points in squads
of 3 to 7
Wolfguard armed with a missile launcher cost 79 points in squads of 5 to
Squat Thunderer armed with a missile launcher cost 51 points in squads
of 5
And just to complete the list:
Space Marine armed with a missile launcher costs 75 points in squad of
10 - 4 can have missile launchers
Ork Deathskull armed with a missile launcher costs 42 points in squads
of 3 to 10?
Imperial Guard armed with a missile launcher costs 40 points in squads
of 6 - 3 heavy weapons, if the weapon gunner is killed then the loader
may take over
Chaos Space Marine armed with missile launcher costs 60 points in squads
of 3 to 9 - 3 heavy weapons

Stat lines
M = Move
WS = Weapon Skill - hand to hand combat skill
BS = Ballistic Skill - shooting skill
S = Strength
T = Toughness
W = Wounds
I = Initiative
A = Attacks
Ld = Leadership
Save = Armor save

               M WS BS S T W I A Ld Save Notes
Dark Reaper 4 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 9 3+ Range finder Helmet ignore
                                         modifiers - if a target is
>10" there is a -1 to hit >20"
Wolfguard 4 6 5 4 4 1 5 1 9 3+ elite Space Wolves
Thunderer 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 6+
Space Marine 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+
Deathskull 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 6+ no targeter - targeter gives +1
                                         hit - heavy weapons usually
have them
Imp Guard 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 6+ no targeter
Chaos Marine 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ no targeter

Remember the 40K Shooting Phase is different than the Epic 40K.
1) Determine to hit roll needed - subtract BS from 7, this is the die
roll to equal or beat, apply modifiers to the die roll
ex. Dark Reaper BS of 4, 7-4=3 targeter adds 1 to die roll so Dark
Reapers need a 2+ to hit

2) Roll Strength vs Toughness - for a weapon to cause a wound it must
beat the target's toughness. If the strength of the attack and the
target's toughness are equal than the attack has a 50% chance, 4+ on a
die. If the strength is 1 better than the toughness (i.e. S 4 vs T 3)
than the die roll is shifted down 1 to a 3+. The reverse is also true,
i.e. S 3 vs T 4 needs a 5+

3) Make armor save, if the target is wounded then is has a change to
live by making its save roll. The strength of the attack usually has a
modifier to the save, i.e. a Bolter is S 4 and has a -1 save modifier.
If a Marine were shot with a bolter his saving throw would be 3+ -1 or

There's your full comparison, if you have any questions I will try and
answer them.

  There is a big discrepancy between the 40K units stats and cost, yet
in Epic 40K the firepower is 2 for all the above squads. I can't
remember the stat line for Squats that was posted earlier but this is
what I think their base stat line should look like:
Speed 5 Range 30 Firepower 1 Assault 3 Armor 4+ Special Stubborn
Reasoning, Squat stats look very similar to Orks, the differences being
slower movement, better in hand to hand and high leadership. Base cost
10 points per stand.
Thunders would have the Heavy Weapons skill at + 8 points
Berzerkers would have the assault skill at +1 point
I am not 100% certain on the Berzerker skills or the Thunderer costs

Michael & Christina King
Received on Tue Jun 03 1997 - 19:30:27 UTC

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