Re: [Epic] snap fire and other stuff

From: David Lado <lado_at_...>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 1997 17:38:36 -0400 (EDT)

>> You are missing the fact that if you are within 10 cm, there will be a
>> firefight, and the bikes will run (unles you lose).

>Oh, yeah. Firefights. I keep forgetting them. Actually, I feel
>like I'm forgetting a lot about this game, that I'm always missing
>something. I think it is because there are important parts scattered
>through the three books. I wonder if all those predators and Land
>Raiders (or at least some of them) were in 15 cm.
>But it does look like they can stop the Titan for a whole turn,
>rather than just the movement phase. Still, better than what I saw
>in the game. I could have moved closer for the assault, and then
>gone on in movement phase next time.

I think it's actually better than that. If the bikes move within 15 cm
of your titan in the movement or assault phase of their turn, they *must*
fight a fire fight with the titan during the CC phase of *their* turn.

So unless those bikes won the FF with the titan on the eldar players
turn (not likely), they shouldn't even have been there (sounds like
you forgot the FF).

Note that fighting a FF is not optional. See page 26:

"If a detachment (the bikes in this case, since it's the eldar turn) has
any units within 15cm of an enemy detachment a firefight *must* be
resolved between the two detachments." (emphasis mine).

Those bikes shouldn't have been there.

Received on Mon Jun 16 1997 - 21:38:36 UTC

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