RE: [Epic] snap fire and other stuff

From: James Nugent <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 07:58:12 -0400

>> > too bad) and had to stop. I thought Titans were supposed to stride
>> > across the field, unconcerned about the riff-raff below.
>> That's =
why titans always move in the assault phase too. The movement
>> phase is =
clearly not meant for moving past enemy units at what is
>> virtually close=
 combat range. However, you can move past without being
>> snap-fired duri=
ng the assault phase.
> Ooops, forgot about that. Guess WEs don't need a=
n exception
>from the snap-fire rules after all.

Nope, they still can't mo=
ve past an enemy unless it is engaged. I think
that it's a good argument f=
or why titans need ground support.

On ramification of the not moving past =
rule is that to wipe out a detcahment you have to enage every unit in it. W=
hich is hard to do. how can you surround something without moving past it. =
One thing I wonders about that rule. Is it every stand must be engaged, or =
the detachment must be engaged.
"Your =
incorrect assumptions are threefold."
"You assume law still reigns in the F=
ive Galaxies"
"You assume that we would be bound by precedents and precepts=
 from the last 10 million years."
"But your most incorrect assumption of al=
l is to assume that we care."
                                        -David Brin, Infinity's Shore
---------------------------------------------James Nugent------------------=

Received on Tue Jun 17 1997 - 11:58:12 UTC

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