Re: [Epic] E40K New Rules - Smoke Rounds

From: Joseph Looney <mlooney_at_...>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 1997 22:19:27 -0500

Erik K. Rutins wrote:
> I definitely like the smoke rules. They do not seem underpriced, given
> the tremendous defensive capability they could add.
> Limiting smoke to arty units is the way to go, since non-arty units
> wouldn't be able to lay down enough to make a difference, IMHO. Also
> consider rolling a scatter die for wind direction each turn. Any smoke
> that doesn't clear at the end of the turn moves d6 centimeters in the
> wind direction.
I thought about using scatter dice, but I really wanted to stick to what
comes with E40K. Normal artillry fire dosn't scatter and smoke rounds
are as accurate as HE.

The smoke rounds I have seen in use didn't really drift due to wind, as
the rounds keeps "burning" for some time after they hit, or at least
that is what it looked like to me. There was some air burst "fast
smoke" in use (which looks way cool when it goes off, by the way) but
most of it was from ground rounds.

> I will definitely playtest these rules and am looking forward to your
> other additions.
Thank you.

Sillyness is the last refuse of the doomed.  P. Opus
Geek code: GAT -d---(----) H+ s:-- g+(?) p0? au a w+++ v-(++)*?
C++++$ U?++++ P+ L 3 N+++ K W+++ m-- v-- -po+ Y+ t++ 5 j R+++
G' !tv(--) b+++ D++ B--- e+ u--(+)(**) h f+(?) r+++ n++ y+++(**)
Received on Sat Jun 21 1997 - 03:19:27 UTC

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