[Epic] ork artillery question

From: rob <Astynax_at_...>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 01:52:04 -0700

hi aquestion arose in a battle last night that we couldn't find an
answer to. can ork big gunz and pulsa rokkits "hitch a ride" and then
fire either a prepatory barrage or normal barrage upon being dropped
off. i thought i had read that they couldn't move and then fire but i
couldn't find any reference to that. my opponent argued that they hadn't
actually moved, they had been "transported" and thus could fire. at
first i thought that was ridiculous but since i couldn't find any
reference to the contrary i think he might be right. we resolved it by
letting him barrage but not prepatory barrage. so what da ya think?

Received on Fri Jun 27 1997 - 08:52:04 UTC

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