[Epic] Combination armies (was re: My DexCon Epic 40k experiences)

From: David Lado <lado_at_...>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 10:43:15 -0400 (EDT)

>>> Is an Imperial army (I mean Space Marine + Imperial Guard +
>>> Mecanicus) not too powerfull? I'm one of these fundamentalists who
>>> believe that the only way is a total Space Marine army or a total
>>> Imperial Gard army. OK perhaps with some Titans or Heavy Vehicles
>>> from the Adeptus Mecanicus. What do you think about this?
>>Although this question was not addressed to me, I'd have to agree
>>Fancois. Although it is now perfectly vanilla to have marines and
>>Guard in the same army, it just doesn't feel right to me. It takes
>>away a lot of the challenge by just saying "Well, my Guard army
>>doesn't have any assault units... I'll just take a thunderhawk with
>>some termies". I just feel that when I am playing with such a mixed
>>force, I am playing with cheese, and for me, winning with cheese is
>>not very fulfilling.
>>"I'z neva seen such yellow troopz in all's me life!"
>> Warlord Big'ead, invasion of Tallern, just before being
>>struck by a basilisk shell between the eyes.

Ah, a head wound. At least it didn't hit any vital organs.

>In fact I don't like to mix Imperial Guard and Space Marines for
>two reasons. The first one is that an army with Space Marine
>assault detachments and Imperial Guard artillery detachments will
>be too powerfull (this is my own point of view of course) and
>will not be a challenge. With such a well balanced army you don't
>have to find the brilliant strategy that will bring you victory,
>you already have all what you need. On the other hand I won't say
>that's "cheesy", if the rules allow something it's because there
>must be a reason (hum, I hope so).

I always questioned how true it is that combining IG armies with
marines makes them harder to beat. People always said this about
allied armies in SM/TL, but I never really noticed the effect

But I do heartily agree with Francois on two points. It definitely
is _easier_ to play combined armies (so I guess in that sense, they
are better) because you don't have to overcome any weakness in your
army. Second, it's alot more fun to field armies with character.
I like fielding "my" orks and playing them my way. If you want to
bring along your chaos army, that's fine, but I won't collect them
just so I can add landraiders to my army (though the thought did
cross my mind... ;).

Received on Tue Jul 08 1997 - 14:43:15 UTC

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