RE: [Epic] Full Game -Reply

From: James Nugent <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 07:00:09 -0400

>Keith, I think the comparison is more between Space Marine 2nd edition
d Epic 40K, rather than Epic 40K vs WH40K.
>-----> Well wait, let's compa=
re E40K to 40K:
>Miniature Detail:
>40K - much more detail, and they're =
bigger too.
>E40K - these tiny things are a pain. Might be able to paint th=
e bolter,
> but forget about the belt buckles...
>Miniature Price:
>40K =
        - Ouch. I built marines many years ago (30 for 30 - ahhh...).
> Built som=
e IG (not good now) and built Eldar (mmmm, not
> great) and am now trying =
to build Orks. You have any idea
> how many 2-ork blisters it takes to mak=
e a decent force?
> It's a lot. Then there's the 40$ Dreadnought Series...=
> Accessory sprues - someone was speculating on whether
> GW was s=
elling these for more than worth their weight in gold
> ( 2 small sprues o=
f plastic for 3-4$)Thunderhawks - $700!!!
>E40K - Wow - more than 1 mini =
per dollar. It's even better than the old
> epic boxes where many times yo=
u would get half the number of
> mini's needed to fill out a 4-stand unit.=
 Eldar were especially bad
> about this (need 20 dark reaper mini's - we'l=
l give you 10. Same
> with the banshees) This is definitely the game of ch=
oice for Ork
> players, though. Much cheaper.(Dreadnought's - about 2$, no=

> accessory sprues to buy, and T-hawks only 13$)
> Well come o=
n now- it's GW. You're probably going to ignore the rules
> you don't like=
 (munchkin cheeseheads) or make up a bunch of new ones
> (veteran/perfecti=
onist/tinkerer) to fill in holes or "make it better". So
>to be
> fair, I =
would have to compare YOUR rules for each game. Other than
> army lists, I=
 would say E40K needs less tinkering than 40K so far, but
> the game is yo=

> I would say it's a matter of vision - if you like ASL=
 or other more
> wargames, E40K will probably seem better to =
> "The Blood Angels 4th company storms through the opposing
> fire =
to seize the abandoned command post. Their few remaining predators
> move =
to engage a squadron of jetbikes threatening the company from the
> south.=
 Waves of Eldar assault troops were turned back as the marines
> held fast=
, pouring fire into the enemy. As the day drew on, though, the
> marines f=
ire became less and less effective, and their enemies gathered
> for a fin=
al assault."
> (Now that I've generalized, tons will respond to prove me =
> If you're looking for a change from more typical wargames, or =
if you're
> from more of a roleplaying angle, then 40K is probably=
 more your bag.
> "Captain Harlock clove through the guarduan squad, slay=
ing them to
> a man. Having cleared a path, he dove out of the way as 2 he=
avy weapons
> troopers opened up on the eldar support team which had been =
following the
> guardians. His Chaplain charged, and engaged the Eldar Wa=
rlock in
> single combat, as the assault team's jump packs howled overhead=
        , landing
> aound an eldar war machine approaching from the right."
                40K is very much tied up in individual units, weapons, and characters. Yo=
> spend a ton of time painting up one mini and have it as the cente=
rpiece of
> your army.
> E40K is about mass and numbers. One of anything =
doesn't matter too much,
> except for war machines, and even then they are=
 not like a character in
> There is much more room for thought in Ep=
ic scale games IMO, while in 40K
> it's more like "tricks" than tactics
> =
        Also, IMO, a godd sized game of Epic just looks better on the table.
reds of
> little infantry figures, lots of tanks, artillery and a few mass=
ive titans.
>In epic,
> it's easy to have 100 stands out on the table in=
 a medium sized battle.
> You have to get a pretty big game of 40K going =
to do that (other than orks
> tyranids, maybe), but I wonder if anyone=
 has tried 40K using Epic
> ...I do have all those marine spr=
Nice analysis. I would not say 40K is more about tricks than tact=
ics, but much more of your tactics come in while picking an army, as oppose=
d to while playing it. In E40K picking an army important, but how you play =
is much more important. In 40K picking an army is at least as important as =
how you play, also in 40K you have to have how you are going to play in min=
d when you pick troops. In E40K you just pick a varied bunch of troops with=
out thinking things like 'I'll take X so if my opponent take Y then...". Y=
ou can't min-max as much with E40K.

our incorrect assumptions are threefold."
"You assume law still reigns in t=
he Five Galaxies"
"You assume that we would be bound by precedents and prec=
epts from the last 10 million years."
"But your most incorrect assumption o=
f all is to assume that we care."
                                        -David Brin, Infinity's Shore
-------------------------------------------------James Nugent--------------=

Received on Thu Jul 17 1997 - 11:00:09 UTC

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