Re: [Epic] deathstrikes

From: Erik K. Rutins <snowdo1_at_...>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 12:28:35 -0400

I wouldn't remove the deathstrike after firing - wait until someone
destroys it. ;-)

> (also, however worried you are about vortex missiles in this
> version, I reallydon't think they're as devastating as the barrage
> missiles
> in SM/TL. Bad, but not that bad...)

I don't know what they were like in SM/TL, but something that does d6
kill on a 2+ hits to anything beneath a barrage template definitely
worries me. I don't find it to be as effective against shielded titans
unless you can be patient (and not get counter-barraged, assaulted,
etc. before you fire). But against vehicles and infantry in the
inevitable bottlenecks, it can be absolutely devastating. My personal
opinion is that it should be kind of like a distortion cannon - roll
equal to/over the speed/5cm of each unit under the template. If you
get it, then it takes the d6 death ray hits.


- Erik

"Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble
up, if you will ever dig."
- Marcus Aurelius
Received on Thu Jul 24 1997 - 16:28:35 UTC

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